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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Citation Searching: Scopus

About Scopus

Scopus indexes 22,000 journals in the sciences. Health and physical sciences make up the majority, although there is some coverage in the social sciences and life sciences. In addition to journals, Scopus indexes books, patents and conference proceedings. The database is updated daily.

Scopus features a versatile search interface and includes author affiliations and ORCIDs as search options. Results can be exported easily to EndNote or Mendeley.

Prior to 1996, Scopus has uneven coverage in various subjects. Coverage in the arts and humanities is weak. Citations are limited to works indexed by Scopus.

Finding Citing Documents in Scopus


Note: Many types of searches can be done in Scopus. This guide features two searches useful for discovering citations.


Method 1: article search

In this example, We're looking for articles that have cited "A Reliable Tag–Recapture Technique For Estimating Turbine Passage Survival: Application to Young-of-the-Year American Shad (Alosa sapidissima)" by Paul G. Heisey, Dilip Mathur, and Ted Rineer.

1.) Navigate to Scopus from the library databases page (if you are off-campus you will be asked to enter your username and password - the same one as for your MTU e-mail).

2.) Document search is the default search setting. Enter the article title into the Search box and click the magnifying glass button.

3.) The document display shows the citation for the article searched and the number of times the article has been cited. Hovering your cursor over the reference shows details. Clicking the Cited by number link will give you a list of documents citing this article.


4.) Checking the box next to the left of the article title activates menu options for working with your search results. This menu bar appears on all search results screens. Clicking the View Cited by icon will display the documents citing this article.


Method 2: author search

In this example we are looking for the works of Paul G. Heisey. Since we aren't sure if he published using his full name, both initials and last name or first initial and last name we will want to search as broadly as possible.

1.) Navigate to Scopus from the library databases page (if you are off-campus you will be asked to enter your username and password - the same one as for your MTU e-mail).

2.) Select Author Search and put the author’s last name and first initial(s) into the search boxes. Click the magnifying glass button. (If the author has an ORCID associated with a Scopus Author Profile, searching the author’s ORCID will discover the author’s works.)

3.) Select the correct author by clicking in the box next to the name. We can display the documents for this author either by clicking on the Show Documents icon or the number of documents link in the author results.


4.) From the documents results display we can see how many times each work has been cited. Clicking on the number to the right of the work will produce a list of the documents that cite the work. Additional options for saving and/or analyzing the results are available in the menu bar that is activated by checking the box to the left of any or all of the works. In this example we have selected all of the works by checking the box a the top of the results display. 


5.) Click on the View Citation Overview icon to display citations by year for the documents you selected. From this display we can also filter out self citations.

Exporting Citations into EndNote from Scopus

Citing works can be imported into your EndNote desktop library using the export feature in Scopus.

  • From your list of documents that cite the specific article you searched select the citations you want to export into EndNote by checking the box to the left of the citation. To select the entire page or all reference, click the box at the top of the documents list.
  • When you check a box the toolbar immediately above the documents will activate. From this toolbar click on Export.
  • In the box that opens select RIS Format as the file type and select the amount of citation information you wish to import into EndNote from the dropdown menu. Click the Export button when you have made your file and format selections.
  • A Save As window will open. Click the Save button.
  • A Confirm Save As box appears. Click Yes.
  • The file "scopus.ris" will appear in your downloads. Click on the file.
  • The citations will appear in your EndNote library.