ProQuest is a large platform that hosts many databases, including ProQuest Biological Sciences, ProQuest Engineering Collection, ABI/Inform (business), PsycINFO (psychology, other social sciences). Regardless if one or many databases are selected, searching for citing articles is the same across the ProQuest platform.
To search all the ProQuest databases the library subscribes to, go to the library databases page and select "ProQuest" from the "Popular Databases" box:
1) From the ProQuest database of your choice, select the "Advanced Search" link on the main page.
2) Go to the first drop-down menu and select "Author - AU," then click on the "Look up Authors" link that appears.
3) Enter an author's last name and click "Find," then check off all the relevant author names in the list that appears. When finished, click "Add to Search."
4) The search box will now be automatically populated with the authors you have chosen, so just click "Search!"
5) Scroll through the list of results - any records that contain information about citing articles will have a link that says "Cited By." Click this link to view the citing articles.