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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Citation Searching: Web of Science

About Web of Science

Web of Science includes the following citation databases: Science Citation Index Expanded (1973 - ); Social Science Citation Index (1973 -); Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1975 - ); SciELO (gold open access journals from Latin America, South Africa, Spain, Portugal). Over 12,000 journals are indexed. Web of Science is updated weekly. 

Citations are limited to those journals indexed by Web of Science. Coverage for the arts and humanities and social sciences may not be as complete as in Google Scholar. Pre-1990s citations are more complete in Web of Science than Scopus. 

Results in Web of Science are easily exported to EndNote.

Finding Citing Articles in Web of Science


Note: There are two ways to perform a citation search in Web of Science. Both are shown below.


Method 1: Cited Author Search

1) Navigate to Web of Science from the library databases page (if you are off-campus you will be asked to enter your username and password - the same one as for your Michigan Tech e-mail).

2) Click on the down arrow in the blue box near the Basic Search and select  "Cited Reference Search".


3) Enter the author's name under "Cited Author" with the format 'last name first initial middle initial.' E.g. for Paul G. Heisey, enter "Heisey PG." Click Search.

4) The next page will feature a table with all of the articles in Web of Science written by the author you searched for. Included in the table is the number of times each article was cited. To view the articles that cite this author's work, use the check boxes along the left to select one or more (or all) of the articles listed, then click "Finish Search."


5) The next page will be a list of references to papers that cited at least one of the articles you selected.

Method 2: Citation Report


1) Navigate to Web of Science from the library databases page (if you are off-campus you will be asked to enter your username and password - the same one as for your MTU e-mail).

2) Enter your search terms and click Search. You can do an author search, topic search, address/institution search etc. with this method. In this example we will do an author search.


3) On the right side of the top of the search results, find and click on "Create Citation Report."


4) The resulting report shows summative citation data, a citations/year graph for the sum of the author's works, and a full list of papers with citation numbers for each.




Exporting Citations into EndNote from Web of Science

Citations can easily be exported from Web of Science into either EndNote online or EndNote desktop.

  • From the results of your author search, click the box to the left of the article(s) in order to see the works that cite the article. Click the Finish Search button.
  • At the top of the resulting list of citations select Save to EndNote desktop or Save to EndNote online (you will need to sign in), depending where your EndNote library is located.
  • The Send to Endnote box opens. Indicate which records you wish to export and select the record content you want to save in EndNote. Click the Send button. 
  • The citations you selected will appear in your EndNote desktop library or you will be alerted that the citations have been saved in "" When you save citations to EndNote online a red EN appears next to the citation you saved. Clicking on this icon will take you to the reference in your EndNote online library.