Explore our collection of Frequently Asked Questions. If you don't see an answer you're looking for, our student research consultants are available via email, chat, phone, Zoom, or text. We're excited to work with you!
To schedule a more in-depth appointment, please use the form below.
Book a Study Room at the library when you need to get to work! Our tables and computers (PC, Mac, Linux) are also set up to be socially distant at this time. After regular library hours, you can use your ID to swipe into the West entrance of the building (MUB side of the building). Please visit our hours page for exact daily hours.
There are many tools available via the Circulation Desk that can help make you more productive. Check out calculators, headphones, laptops, happy lights, cameras, go pros, audio recorders, and more. See the Library's Productivity Tools for a full list.
Thank you for your interest in a consultation! During a consultation, a student research consultant (SRC) or librarian can meet with you to talk about your topic, point you towards resources that will be helpful, help you develop a search strategy, and answer any questions you may have about the research process and the library. Consultations will take place over Zoom or phone. Please fill out the following form to provide a bit more info about your research process so far. A librarian or student research consultant will contact you to confirm an appointment time.