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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Graduate Student Resources and Services

Accessing Journals and Databases

How do I access journals and databases from off-campus?

  • Avoid paywalls by accessing journals and databases from the library website. Authentication with your Michigan Tech username and ISO password is required for accessing library subscriptions from off-campus. Either login first on our authentication page or navigate to online content through our search tabs, located on the main library page.

I need an article but the library doesn't subscribe to the journal. How do I request a PDF of the article?

How long does it take to receive an article via interlibrary loan?

  • Most requests are delivered the same day or within 10 hours.

But I need this article ASAP!

  • 4-hour rush service is available for all faculty. Select RUSH when placing a request through Interlibrary Loan.

Research Help

I have a research or reference question. Who can I contact?

  • Reference and Research services are available via email, chat, phone, and text. Please visit our Ask Us page for contact info and more FAQs.
  • To schedule a more in-depth research consultation with a librarian, fill out the Consultation Request Form and a librarian will contact you to confirm your appointment.

I would like the library to consider purchasing materials that support my research. Who can I contact?

Who's Citing Me?

How do I search for and organize a comprehensive list of my cited references?

  • The library maintains a Citation Searching guide that details how to download cited reference reports from several databases like Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

Why does Google Scholar say that I have more citations than Web of Science?

  • No single source provides a comprehensive list of citing articles and certain databases are better for your subject area. It is important to collect this information from a variety of resources in order to construct a complete list. For example, many faculty use results from Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Our Citation Searching guide provides more information.

Copyright & Author Rights

What are Michigan Tech's policies about my rights as an author?

Can you recommend a resource where I can learn more about author rights?

  • SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, provides a great collection of resources that will help you learn more about copyright law, fair use, and how to negotiate your rights as an author.

I have questions about transferring my rights. Who can I contact?

  • Please direct your questions about author rights to our Scholarly Communications & Copyright Librarian, Nora Allred at or (906) 487-3208.

Data Management

How can I get assistance with managing my research data?

I have questions about my grant proposal and funding agency requirements. Who can I contact?

  • The library's guide on Data Management provides some information on funding agency requirements. The Office of Research can help you write a data management plan that complies with your grant proposal requirements. For more information or to schedule a proposal consultation, please contact the Sponsored Programs Office at or (906) 487-3126.

Library Workshops

Where can I find information about upcoming library workshops?

  • The library offers periodic workshops on a variety of topics like Patent & Trademark searching, using EndNote and Zotero, Library Skills Refreshers, and others. Check out our Workshops page.