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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

EC4990 Conflict Economics Library Guide

Library Session Materials

Key Resources

Using Artificial Intelligence



Check out our guide on all things to do with AI. Find tips on how to use generative AI as a students on this guide. Stick to the second tab for 'Students' to learn the ins and outs of ethically using AI to work on literature reviews and other assignments. 

Created and maintained by the Van Pelt and Opie Library, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Office of Academic Integrity 


General Resources

These databases contain information on a wide range of subjects and topics and so may contain information relevant to your topic.

Visit the Journals search, Databases A-Z list, and Library Catalog for more resources.

Citation Management Tools

Citation managers allow you to store, sort, and edit references to articles you find. They then connect to word processing tools in order to automatically generate citation lists for you. The library provides resources and support (guides, consultations, & workshops) for EndNote and Zotero.