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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Nursing Resource Portal

Library and Archives Instruction

What does the library's Instruction Team do?

  • Through student-centered pedagogy and collaboration with faculty, Instruction Librarians foster the foundational knowledge and skills that scholars and future professionals need to become expert seekers, users, and creators of information. Across the university, you'll see this knowledge and skill set referred to as information literacy. 

What is the Information Literacy Learning Goal?

How can librarians and archivists help me build my students' information literacy (IL) skills?

  • Course Instruction: Librarians are available to lead class sessions focused on the development of information literacy concepts and skills. These sessions are targeted to address the specific assignments or projects your students are working on. Librarians can also work with you to incorporate these concepts into Canvas.
  • Research Session: Follow an instruction session with an open work day where librarians help students with their research one-on-one.
  • Information Literacy Consultation: Collaborate with a librarian to integrate IL into your courses, assignments, and programs. Many lessons and assignments inherently contain IL elements that may be enhanced with small modifications.
  • Library Guides: Librarians are available to develop customized web sites for particular classes or subjects. These guides emphasize the resources that are most relevant and instructor-recommended for students' use. Please see our List of Guides by topic.
  • Video Tutorials: The library website hosts a number of tutorials that introduce fundamental IL skills, demonstrate specific search tools, and highlight key resources.
  • Workshops: The library offers workshops each semester on a variety of subjects including information literacy, citation searching, patent and trademark resources, managing citations with EndNote software, and more. Students, Faculty, and Staff are all welcome to attend workshops. Sign up for a Workshop.
  • Supplemental Materials Selection: Librarians and Archivists are available to assist you in your search for supplemental readings and media for your course.
  • Student Research Consultants: Highly-trained peer consultants are available to work one-on-one with your students on their research questions. Your students can ask questions in-person at the Ask Us! station in the library lobby, text, email, call, or chat via the library website.

How can I embed the library in my Canvas course?

  • The library has developed a Canvas page that brings together a live search and links to essential library services in one place, making it easy for students to start their research and writing projects. For more information on how to import this page into your course, visit our guide: Embed Learning Resources in Your Canvas Course.
  • Interested in a library Canvas page tailor-made for your course? Fill out our Library and Archives Instruction Support form to begin working with a librarian.

How do I contact the library for instruction support? 

Course Reserves

What are Course Reserves?

  • Course Reserves are teaching materials that instructors have identified for use by students enrolled in their classes. Materials on print course reserve are tangible items that are kept in the library at the Circulation Desk and available for short loan periods ranging from 2 hours to 5 days. En lieu of an electronic course reserve system, Canvas is recommended for sharing digital content. See our guide, Embed Learning Resources in Your Canvas Course for guidance.

What do I need to know about print Course Reserves and COVID-19?

  • The library will follow the MTU Flex Campus Health and Safety Levels protocols and guidance from the American Library Association for the safe handling of physical items.
  • You will be notified of any changes in print Course Reserve services resulting from the university's response to COVID.
  • If print Course Reserves become unavailable, alternative methods for providing your students with the content they need is available using your Canvas course site to share material. Librarians are available to help with the following options:
    • Seeking materials that are freely available such as open access articles, open educational resources, or library subscribed content.
    • Purchasing an electronic equivalent of a work. Please note this is not possible for textbooks due to publisher's restrictions.
    • Relying on Fair Use to make a digital copy of portions of a work. Keep in mind you should only use the amount necessary to meet your pedagogical need for the period that is necessary.

How do I place materials on Course Reserve?

If the library does not own a copy of my textbook, may I put my personal copy on reserve?

  • Yes!  Students appreciate having access to a copy of the textbook in a centrally accessible location like the library. Just indicate that you are using your personal copy when completing the Course Reserve Request form.

I've put materials on reserve. Where can my students find the items?

  • Students may ask for the materials and borrow them at the Circulation Desk, located in the library lobby. It is also possible to view and search for items on course reserve through the library website. 

When should I submit my request?

  • Please allow 72 hours for processing and a week to ten days when the item is not currently available.

I have questions about the types of content I can put into Canvas. Who can I ask about it?

  • Guidance on placing digital files into Canvas is available on our Embed Learning Resources in Your Canvas Course guide. 
  • Copyright permission may be required for reproducing materials not held in our library collections. Library staff can help you decide if permission is required and facilitate the permissions process. Contact Nora Allred, Assistant Director, Scholarly Communications & Research Engagement at or (906) 487-3208.
  • For more about Copyright, consult our Copyright guide.

Copyright for the Classroom

Where can I find information and guidance on how copyright rules affect which materials I use in my classroom?

I have a specific question about copyright. Who can I contact?

  • Please direct your copyright questions to our Scholarly Communications & Copyright Librarian, Nora Allred, at or (906) 487-3208.

Research/Reference Help for Students

Does the library provide research and reference help for students?

  • Reference and Research services are available via email, chat, phone, and text. Please visit our Ask Us page for contact info.
  • Students are also welcome to schedule a more in-depth research consultation with a librarian, fill out the Consultation Request Form and a librarian will contact you to confirm your appointment.

Where can I find more information for my students about accessing the library's resources?