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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Nursing Resource Portal

Equitable Access to Course Materials

The library promotes the openness, accessibility, and affordability of classroom learning materials such as OERs, open access (OA) publications, and adoption of library subscribed content. Open course materials defray costs for students and increase equitable access to information, resulting in increased student retention and better student performance. This support takes several forms:

Note: Copyright for the Classroom

Some uses of materials in the classroom (particularly electronic materials) may be governed by copyright laws. Visit our Copyright in the Classroom for resources to help you navigate these questions.

Please direct your copyright questions to Nora Allred, Associate Director for Scholarly Engagement, at or (906) 487-3208.

Learning at the VPOL

Our mission: through learner-centered pedagogy and collaboration with experts across the community, we foster the foundational knowledge and skills that individuals need to become expert seekers, users, and creators of information in their roles as scholars, professionals, citizens, and lifelong learners. 

Our Goals: Everyone has developed their own tools, strategies, and habits of mind to navigate today’s evolving, information-rich society. Learning at the VPOL supports the continued development of these so that individuals become well-rounded, expert seekers, users, and creators of information. 

  • Expert information seekers will strategically select information sources appropriate to their need, iteratively refine search strategies, and embrace new information paradigms.
  • Expert information users will critically evaluate information based on context, properly attribute information, and leverage emerging tools and technologies to manage information as appropriate. 
  • Expert information creators will participate effectively and ethically in the creation of new information and knowledge.

Our Services: 

  • Course Instruction: Librarians are available to lead class sessions focused on the development of information literacy concepts and skills. These sessions are targeted to address the specific assignments or projects your students are working on. Librarians can also work with you to incorporate these concepts into Canvas.
  • Research Session: An open work day where librarians help students with their research one-on-one.
  • Assignment Development: Collaborate with a librarian to integrate IL into your courses, assignments, and programs. Many lessons and assignments inherently contain IL elements that may be enhanced with small modifications.
  • Tutorials: The library website hosts a number of tutorials and guides that introduce fundamental IL skills, demonstrate specific search tools, and highlight key resources. Many of these can be embedded into Canvas as well.
  • Student Research Consultants: Your students are welcome to walk-up to the reference desk or schedule an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with our highly trained Student Research Consultants (SRCs). The SRC team is made up of students from all over the university and are a wonderful group! More info on how to contact the SRCs can be found on our Ask Us page.

Contact Instruction Team

Use this form to contact the library's Instruction Team and schedule a instruction date or consultation. For 3D printing related instruction, reach out to