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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Overview of Citation Styles

Understanding Citations Video

Citation Resources

There are many resources on citations available. Below are some websites and tools you can use. Most databases have an option to generate a citation. This can be very useful, but always check the generated citation. Often authors' names are flipped, the capitalization of titles is jumbled, etc.

Good citations allow readers to track down references for more information and build your credibility as the author by highlighting the works you've built your thinking on. 

APA Style

APA style is used in many professional publications and disciplines. In classes, it is often a good 'default' if you don't have any other guidance on what style to use.

IEE Style

IEEE style is used in many engineering and computing publications and classes. It is somewhat similar to Chicago style in that it numbers references.

MLA Style

In many cases, MLA is the first citation style people learn. It is commonly used in some areas of Humanities but not often used in STEM disciplines. This is in part due to the fact that the date is not typically included in the in-text references (only the works cited list), which is often incredibly important to know when reading STEM research.

Citation Management Software

Citation managers allow you to store, sort, and edit references to articles you find. They then connect to word processing tools in order to automatically generate citation lists for you. The library provides resources and support (guides, consultations, & workshops) for EndNote and Zotero.