How do I access journals and databases from off-campus?
I need an article but the library doesn't subscribe to the journal. How do I request a PDF of the article?
How long does it take to receive an article via interlibrary loan?
But I need this article ASAP!
I have a research or reference question. Who can I contact?
I would like the library to consider purchasing materials that support my research. Who can I contact?
How do I search for and organize a comprehensive list of my cited references?
Why does Google Scholar say that I have more citations than Web of Science?
What are Michigan Tech's policies about my rights as an author?
Can you recommend a resource where I can learn more about author rights?
I have questions about transferring my rights. Who can I contact?
How can I get assistance with managing my research data?
I have questions about my grant proposal and funding agency requirements. Who can I contact?
Where can I find information about upcoming library workshops?