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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

MSE3190 - Material Design: Home

Librarians are available to answer your questions. Click on the Ask Us bubble for FAQs and contact options (chat, email, text, phone).

Frequently Asked Questions

Top 5 Library FAQ's:

Library Session Materials


Zotero is a great citation management tool that can be used to organize, collect, and cite the sources you are using. Below are a few key takeaways from the library session. 

  • Download Zotero Standalone & Browser Connector
  • Create a "New Collection" in Zotero
  • Find sources! These can be papers, images, websites, and much more.
  • Add Sources to your Collection:
    • Use the "Add Item" icon in the Standalone program  to add manually
    • Use the browser icon to add a source quickly
    • Download a citation and use the "Add Item" icon in Standalone (Use the RIS file format)
  • Attach PDFs (if not done automatically)
  • Update metadata (tags, article info, etc.) to improve organization

Visit our Zotero Library Guide for additional in-depth information on the software.

Advanced Google Scholar & Other Freely Available Sources

General Search Tips:

  • Remember that key word selection is critical, especially in Google Scholar
  • Effective advanced searching is an iterative, exploratory process
  • Use citations and reference pages to your advantage to find additional resources, important publications, etc.!

Other Resources