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J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library

Embed Learning Resources in your Canvas Course

Library Canvas Content

The library has several pages and modules that can be directly imported into your Canvas Course, including a general homepage and catalog search widget.

Interested in a library Canvas page tailor-made for your course? Please fill out our Instruction Support Form to begin working with a librarian! 

Searching Canvas Commons

  1. Navigate to the Canvas Commons from your Canvas dashboard. It is an option on the Canvas navigation bar on the left side of the screen. 
  2. Once in Canvas Commons, search for "Van Pelt" and the materials created by the library will be in the results list.
  3. Click the title of the module or page you want to import. On the next page you will see an option to Import the content into a current Canvas course.



If you have any questions about this process, run into any issues, or would like someone to walk through it with you the first time you access these modules, please don't hesitate to contact us at!