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Skip to Main ContentResearch Development staff in the Vice President for Research Office can help you write a data management plan that complies with your grant proposal requirements. Learn more from their Proposal Development page.
For more information or to schedule a proposal consultation, please contact the Research Development staff at 906-487-3126 or email rd-l@mtu.edu.
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A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that explains how you will organize your data throughout your project, from the beginning of your research until after it has been completed. Many funding agencies require a data management plan as part of the proposal process. We have many tools and resources to help you create your DMP.
Before you start:
Consult with your advisor or department chair at the very beginning of your proposal process. There may be department-specific examples, workflows, or boilerplate statements already in place that will help you define the scope of your DMP.
Ultimately, your DMP will address essential topics such as: